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Urethral Catheter Biofilms Reveal Plasticity in Bacterial Composition and Metabolism and Withstand Host Immune Defenses in Hypoxic Environment
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Transcriptomics of type 2 diabetic and healthy human neutrophils
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Complete Genome Sequence of Strain JB001, a Member of Saccharibacteria Clade G6 ("Candidatus Nanogingivalaceae")
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How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross-Laboratory Study
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How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross-Laboratory Study
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Protein and Microbial Biomarkers in Sputum Discern Acute and Latent Tuberculosis in Investigation of Pastoral Ethiopian Cohort
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Is the oral microbiome a source to enhance mucosal immunity against infectious diseases?
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Voices of biotech leaders
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The Oral Host-Microbial Interactome: An Ecological Chronometer of Health?
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