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The Human Salivary Proteome Wiki: A Community-Driven Research Platform
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F1000Research. 2021-05-07; 10.354.
Horizontal transfer and evolution of wall teichoic acid gene cassettes in  Bacillus subtilis
Sutton G, Fogel GB, Abramson B, Brinkac L, Michael T, Liu ES, Thomas S
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Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland). 2021-05-07; 7.5:
Transcriptional Analysis of Coccidioides immitis Mycelia and Spherules by RNA Sequencing
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Streptococcus pneumoniae Binds to Host Lactate Dehydrogenase via PspA and PspC To Enhance Virulence
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SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in advanced clinical trials: Where do we stand?
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A new Cannabis genome assembly associates elevated cannabidiol (CBD) with hemp introgressed into marijuana
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Microbial ecology. 2021-05-01; 81.4: 1098-1105.
Characterizing Microbial Signatures on Sculptures and Paintings of Similar Provenance
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SARS-CoV-2 infection of the oral cavity and saliva
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Genetic requirements for cell division in a genomically minimal cell
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F1000Research. 2021-04-13; 10.286.
A pan-genome method to determine core regions of the Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli genomes
Sutton G, Fogel GB, Abramson B, Brinkac L, Michael T, Liu ES, Thomas S
PMID: 34113437
