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Predicting antimicrobial mechanism-of-action from transcriptomes: A generalizable explainable artificial intelligence approach
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Improved Spirodela polyrhiza genome and proteomic analyses reveal a conserved chromosomal structure with high abundance of chloroplastic proteins favoring energy production
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Forensic Microbiome Database: A Tool for Forensic Geolocation Meta-Analysis Using Publicly Available 16S rRNA Microbiome Sequencing
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Erratum for Gomez et al., "Plasticity in the Human Gut Microbiome Defies Evolutionary Constraints"
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Influenza Causes MLKL-Driven Cardiac Proteome Remodeling During Convalescence
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Negligible impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on CD4 + and CD8 + T cell reactivity in COVID-19 exposed donors and vaccinees
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The Impact of Oral-Gut Inflammation in Cerebral Palsy
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Intestinal α1-2-Fucosylation Contributes to Obesity and Steatohepatitis in Mice
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Reference-guided metagenomics reveals genome-level evidence of potential microbial transmission from the ISS environment to an astronaut's microbiome
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