
Media Center

Collaborator Release

51ݶ extends CLC bio site license through 2017

Collaborator Release

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation identifies 16 leading scientists to pursue high-risk research in marine microbial ecology

51ݶ's Andy Allen among new cohort of investigators

Press Release

Karen Nelson, Ph.D., Named President, Robert Friedman, Ph.D., Appointed as Chief Operating Officer of 51ݶ

Both will report directly to J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Collaborator Release

Stanford researchers produce first complete computer model of an organism

A mammoth effort has produced a complete computational model of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, opening the door for biological computer-aided design.

Press Release

51ݶ Researchers, as Part of NIH Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Publish Papers Detailing the Variety and Abundance of Microbes Living on and in the Human Body

Study Represents Largest Group of Healthy Individuals Studied to Date

51ݶ also Details its Metagenomics Reports (METAREP) Open Source Bioinformatics Tool

Collaborator Release

Scientists Work Together to Achieve Milestone Against Deadly Diseases

Solve 1,000 Protein Structures from Infectious Disease Organisms

Collaborator Release

A 'B-12 Shot' for Marine Algae? Scientists find key protein for algae growth in the ocean

Scientists have revealed a key cog in the biochemical machinery that allows marine algae at the base of the oceanic food chain to thrive. They have discovered a previously unknown protein in algae that grabs an essential but scarce nutrient out of seawater, vitamin B12.

Collaborator Release

Major networking opportunity: IMEx Consortium brings interactomes to light

Like people bustling around busy cities, the thousands of molecules inside our cells are constantly interacting with each other: turning each other on or off, working together, splitting up and networking. Understanding the countless ways in which they do so is a major challenge in biology, but it is fundamental to understanding life. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and colleagues in the International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium are rising to the challenge by offering researchers a freely available set of experimental interaction data that can be queried from a single interface. Reporting in Nature Methods, IMEx partners describe the advantages of their service and invite others to join the effort.


The Re-Sampling of Blanes By Karolina Ininbergs

May 26th 2010 After docking in Barcelona and picking up Jeff, who just finished the lake sampling with Chris up in the Pyrenees, we headed north-east towards Blanes Bay. We were also joined by Bea Diez, her PhD student Roy McKenzie, Meri Antó and Vanessa Balague from ICM, Barcelona. It was...

BBMO — Blanes Bay Microbial Observatory

May 25th 2010 In 2008 I spent three months working at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona, hosted by Beatriz Diez in the Marine Microbiology group, headed by Carles Pedrós-Alió. One of the many microbial research projects at ICM is focused on environmental monitoring of...

Tourist Time in Barcelona!

May 20th 2010 After two weeks on the road, I am back on Sorcerer II as we prepare for the Mediterranean sampling season. We are docked in Port Olympic right in the heart of Barcelona. One aspect of this year's blogs is to share some of the experiences and places we get to visit. We are...

The Great Blizzard Sample of Lake Redon!

May15th 2010 We decided to do the 3 lakes in the Banyoles area first because the weather in the Pyrenees was so bad that we wouldn't have been able to get up the mountain to sample Lake Redon. Lake Redon is a pristine Alpine lake that is sampled weekly by Spanish researchers. On Tuesday May...

Lake Vilar, The Final Lake In Banyoles

May 10th 2010 On Monday May 10th we headed back to sample the last lake in the Banyoles area. Lake Vilar is another meromictic lake located about 1 kilometer (1/2 mile) from Lake Siso and has a maximum depth of 10 meters (32 feet). Sulfide is present during the entire year, although...

Sampling of Lake Banyoles, The Home of the Olympic Rowing in 1992

May 9th 2010 Sunday May 9th was a much better morning than the previous one. Emilio had taken us out to one of the best dinners I have ever eaten, plus the German teenagers were no longer patrolling the hallways all night long. So after a great seafood dinner and a good nights rest we drove...

Lake Sampling Starts with Lake Siso, Global Lake Sampling (GLS)

May 8th 2010 Early on Saturday May 8th Chris and I headed to the University of Girona, which is located about 69 kilometers (42 miles) from Blanes, to setup our sampling gear in a aboratory on campus. We were a bit exhausted from the long drive the day before and lack of sleep due to lots of...

Back on The Road, Mar Menor to Blanes, Spain

May 7th 2010 After a successful day of sampling in Mar Menor and a great local dinner of lobster paella, Chris and I loaded up the van and got back on the road early Friday morning. We had a 757 kilometer (470 miles) drive ahead of us to arrive in Blanes to meet with a team of collaborators...

The Green Lagoon — Sampling in Albufera de Valencia

During our sampling in Spain last year Chris and I met up with Francisco Rodriguez-Valera. Francisco had some great suggestions for sampling sites and one of them was Albufera de Valencia, a shallow hypertrophic fresh water lagoon, located just 30 minutes drive south of Valencia . When...


The Scientist

Projects aimed at collecting big data about the ocean’s tiniest life forms continue to expand our view of the seas.

The Harvard Crimson

J. Craig Venter, PhD, argues scientists have “a moral obligation to communicate what they're doing to the public,” and that more studies deserve greater public criticism.


The discovery could sharpen scientists’ understanding of which functions are crucial for normal cells and what the many mysterious genes in these organisms are doing

San Diego Union Tribune

The 51ݶ is the recipient of three awards totaling more than $1.5M to study SARS-CoV-2 and heart disease

Scientific American

A new wave of research is needed to make ample use of humanity’s “most wondrous map”

The San Diego Union Tribune

U.S. researchers have been slow to perform the genetic sequencing that will help clarify the situation

The San Diego Union-Tribune

He has been a fixture in San Diego science for decades


Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton announced completion of what was arguably one of the greatest advances of the modern era: the first draft sequence of the human genome.



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