

Sampling of Lake Banyoles, The Home of the Olympic Rowing in 1992

Water collection from Basin C-III

May 9th 2010

Sunday May 9th was a much better morning than the previous one. Emilio had taken us out to one of the best dinners I have ever eaten, plus the German teenagers were no longer patrolling the hallways all night long. So after a great seafood dinner and a good nights rest we drove back to , Basin C-III is a area of the lake.

Basin C-III in Lake Banyoles
Basin C-III in Lake Banyoles

Like in Lake Siso, a dinghy was rowed out to the long term research site and a profile of the water column was taken. From the profile we picked two sample depths, one above the anoxic zone and one sample in the anoxic zone.

Profile of Basin C-III
Profile of Basin C-III

This section of the lake is also high in biomass and clogged all 3 size filters. Notice the diffence in color on the 3.0um filter from the 3.0um from Lake Siso on my previous blog. From the color alone we can tell we have a different group of organisms utilizing different nutrients available to them.

3.0um filter from Basin C-III
3.0um filter from Basin C-III