ࡱ; ,- A\ppstuser Ba==h\:#8X@"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial"$"#,##0_);("$"#,##0)"$"#,##0_);[Red]("$"#,##0) "$"#,##0.00_);("$"#,##0.00)% "$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("$"#,##0.00),*'_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)5)0_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)=,8_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)4+/_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) m/d/yyyy                + ) , *      `hSheet0Project Agreement IdGCID AimProject Collaborator InstitutionTypeStudy ObjectivePlanned Samples# Received at 51ݶ# Microbiome Only # Failed QC # Discarded # in Progress # PublishedCollection StatusEnd Dateis CEIRS GCID_10_fluN/AGCIDIan Barr,Ian Barr, PhDWHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity,WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Reserch on Influenza (VIDRL) Influenza-H3N2 viruses collected in Australia 2012-2017Ongoing1 GCID_11_rtvJeffrey Mphahlele, PhD*Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University Rotavirus1Human rotavirus collected in Africa, 1985-present GCID_12_EVD68ATina Hartert, MD, MPH,Rangaraj Selvarangan, PhD,Sandra Smole, PhDVanderbilt University School of Medicine,UMKC School of Medicine, Children's Mercy Hospital,Department of Public Health, State Laboratory Institute, MA EnterovirusEV-D68 genomic sequencing of 2014 US outbreak strains from multiple US states to understand its evolutionary dynamics and increased disease severityGCID_13_filovirus)Anthony Griffiths, Ph.D,Alan Barrett, PhDJTexas Biomedical Research Institute,The University of Texas Medical Branch Filovirus,Sequencing and analysis of filovirus samples Completed3GCID_14_filovirusAlan Barrett, PhD&The University of Texas Medical Branch"Banks generated from seeds at UTMB GCID_16_wnvLaura D. Kramer, PhDWadsworth Center, NYS DOHWest Nile virusPWest Nile virus collected from horses, mosquitos, and birds in NYS, 2000-present GCID_17_fluStacey Schultz-Cherry, PhD$St Jude Children's Research Hospital<Avian and swine influenza viruses collected in South AmericaCEIRSGCID_18_enteroJames E. Gern, MD<University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health*EV-D68 collected in Madison, WI, 2000-2014 GCID_19_flu4Jonathan Runstadler MS, DVM, PhD,Jonathan Runstadler6Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Tufts UniversityCAvian and seal influenza samples collected in the USA, 2010-present GCID_1_fluSKirsten St.George, MAppSc, PhD,Kirsten St. George,Kirsten St. George, MAppSc, Ph.D.5Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health>Human influenza A and B collected in New York State, 2013-2014 GCID_20_flu+David E. Stallknecht, PhD,David StallknechtUniversity of Georgia2Avian influenza collected in the USA, 2010-present GCID_21_flu"Susan Detmer DVM, PhD,Susan DetmerUniversity of Saskatchewan6Swine influenza samples collected in Canada, 2012-2014 GCID_22_KEYVLea Heberlein-LarsonFlorida Department of HealthUnknown viruses+Keystone virus collected in Florida in 2005 GCID_23_CHIKV|Scott C. Weaver, MS, PhD,Aubree Gordon, PhD, Eva Harris, PhD,Lea A. Heberlein-Larson, BS, MPH, SM(ASCP),Laura D. Kramer, PhDUniversity of Texas, Southwestern,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of California, Berkeley,Florida Department of Health,Wadsworth Center, NYS DOHChikungunya virusFChikungunya virus collected in the Americas and Asia, mostly from 2014 GCID_26_DENGScott C. Weaver, MS, PhD!University of Texas, Southwestern,Dengue virus collected in Thailand from 1977 GCID_27_DEZISujatha Rashid'American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)/Dezidougou virus collected in Senegal from 1984 GCID_2_flu Aubree Gordon, PhD,Aubree Gordon8University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,University of Michigan4Human influenza collected in Nicaragua, 2008-presentGCID_32_SSCRTVStacey Schultz-Cherry0rotavirus positive samples from St Jude patients GCID_38_SDRSV Suman DasEDivision of Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterRespiratory syncytial virusTInfants with RSV infection, of 19 months or younger from Jordan, collected 2010-2013 GCID_39_DBA Doris BucherNew York Medical CollegeVaccine strain GCID_3_rsvMary T. Caserta, MD&University of Rochester Medical Center,RSV collected in Rochester, NY, 1980-present GCID_41_JWJun WangUniversity of Arizona'Viral plaques and cell culture products GCID_43_MCAIV Marie CulhaneUniversity of Minnesota Wild birds GCID_45_DMDoug MarthalerKansas State University>Swine flu samples collected from pigs in remote eastern Canada GCID_46_YK2Gabriele NeumannUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison,Flu collected from domestic fowl in Viet Nam GCID_47_VS Viviana Simon'Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai GCID_48_FK4VSV constructs containing inserts from ANDV and MACV GCID_49_DVRGN Aubree GordonUniversity of Michigan;Patients with RSV and/or Influenza infection from Nicaragua GCID_4_fluYoshihiro Kawaoka, PhD-H7N9 influenza viruses passed through ferrets GCID_50_DVRGB Doli Goswam)Patients in Bangladesh with RSV infection GCID_5_rsv2aTina Hartert, MD, PhD,Natasha Halasa, MD MPH,Lance Jennings QSO, PhD, FRCPath, FFSc(RCPA),Ongoing{Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,Christchurch Department of Health, New Zealand,National Institutes of Health (NIH)KRSV collected in Tennessee, Jordon, Malaysia, and New Zealand, 2010-present GCID_6_flu0Rafael A. Medina, PhD, Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, PhDFPontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Universidad Catolica de Chile0Human influenza collected in Chile, 2001-present GCID_7_rtvJohn Patton, PhDNIAID2Human rotavirus collected in the USA, 2010-present GCID_8_flu)Andrew Bowman, MS, DVM, PhD,Andrew BowmanThe Ohio State University2Avian influenza collected in the USA, 2005-present GCID_9_eeev!Eastern equine encephalitis virus:EEEV collected from horses and mosquitos in USA, 2006-2014missing_giv2:UMDB01missing_giv:UMDA01missing_rtv:CMC01missing_vda:TH501 Tina Hartert(Vanderbilt University School of Medicine nasal washesmissing_vda:TH502 @ c     f ] j}Uqg)   5@TW  dMbP?_*+%"d,,??U5                             @@   ?  @ `D@       @@   ?  @ `D@       @W@@S@   @  R@ `D@     ! 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