

VIGOR (VIral Genome ORF Reader) is a homology-driven viral gene finder capable of predicting proteins, polyproteins and mature peptides. VIGOR is able to identify and properly handle typical viral transcriptional and translational exceptions, like ribosomal slippage, RNA editing, stop codon readthrough, etc.

The package consists of the software and a collection of highly-curated reference databases, one for each type of virus VIGOR is capable to annotate.

Enabling VIGOR to annotate a new virus is as simple as creating a new specific reference database and updating configuration files.

Supported Viruses and Groups of Viruses

  • Alphaviruses (VEEV/EEEV)
  • Bunyaviridae
  • Canine Distemper Virus
  • Chikungunya virus
  • Coronavirus
  • Filoviridae (Ebola/Marburg)
  • Influenza A, B, and C virus
  • Foot-and-mouth disease virus
  • Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus
  • Human adenovirus
  • Human herpesvirus 1
  • Human herpesvirus 2
  • Human herpesvirus 3 (Varicellovirus)
  • Human herpesvirus 4
  • Human herpesvirus 5
  • Measles / Morbillivirus  (measles)
  • Metapneumovirus (MPV)
  • Mumps / Rubulavirus (mumps)
  • Norovirus
  • Rabies
  • Respiratory syntactical virus (RSV)
  • Respirovirus HPIV-1
  • Respirovirus HPIV-
  • Respirovirus Sendai
  • Rotavirus A, B, C, F, and G
  • Rubella
  • Sapovirus
  • West Nile Virus Lineages I and II
  • Yellow Fever / Japanese encephalitis (JEV)
  • Zika virus


Nucleic acids research. 2012-07-01; 40.Web Server issue: W186-92.
VIGOR extended to annotate genomes for additional 12 different viruses
Wang S, Sundaram JP, Stockwell TB
PMID: 22669909
BMC bioinformatics. 2010-09-07; 11.451.
VIGOR, an annotation program for small viral genomes
Wang S, Sundaram JP, Spiro D
PMID: 20822531


This work has been funded in whole or part with federal funds from the Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases (GSCID), the Genomic Centers for Infectious Diseases (GCID), and the Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRC), part of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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