

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2017-09-01; 196.5: 609-620.

Severe Pneumococcal Pneumonia Causes Acute Cardiac Toxicity and Subsequent Cardiac Remodeling

Reyes LF, Restrepo MI, Hinojosa CA, Soni NJ, Anzueto A, Babu BL, Gonzalez-Juarbe N, Rodriguez AH, Jimenez A, Chalmers JD, Aliberti S, Sibila O, Winter VT, Coalson JJ, Giavedoni LD, Dela Cruz CS, Waterer GW, Witzenrath M, Suttorp N, Dube PH, Orihuela CJ



Up to one-third of patients hospitalized with pneumococcal pneumonia experience major adverse cardiac events (MACE) during or after pneumonia. In mice, Streptococcus pneumoniae can invade the myocardium, induce cardiomyocyte death, and disrupt cardiac function following bacteremia, but it is unknown whether the same occurs in humans with severe pneumonia.

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