
Media Center

Press Release

Proteomic analysis of cell envelope-associated proteins in a vancomcyin intermediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) strain

Comparative proteomic analysis of Staphylococcus aureus strains of the VISA phenotype with differing resistance to vancomycin

Press Release

Surprising Symbiosis: Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Eats With Friends

Like a celebrity living on mineral water, the glassy-wingedsharpshooter consumes only the dilute sap of woody plants — including grapevinesin California,which is feverishly working to prevent the insect's flight into prizedvineyards. Now, in a surprising study published in the June 6 issue of PublicLibrary of Science Biology (PLoS Biology), researchers at The Institute forGenomic Research (TIGR), the University of Arizona, and their colleagueshave discovered that the sharpshooter's deprivation diet is sneakilysupplemented by not one, but two co-dependent bacteria living inside its cells.

Press Release

Gut Reaction: Researchers Define The Colon's Genome

For the first time, scientists describe the busy microbial world inside

Collaborator Release

Leading Department of Energy Genome Scientist to Direct Joint Marine Microbial Metagenomics Cyberinfrastructure Initiative

Dr. Paul Gilna Will Lead Moore Foundation-Funded Project Linking UC San Diego and Venter Institute

Collaborator Release

Government of Victoria, Australia and Venter Institute to Survey and Sequence Microbes in Soil and Bovine Digestive System

Environmental genomics approach expected to reveal biological diversity in lesser known ecosystems

Press Release

MD Governor visits TIGR

Press Release

Venter Institute Announces Summer Fellowship in Memory of Local Resident

Cookbook sales by student athletes contribute to Dan Stryer Fellowship for cancer research


51ݶ Makes Strides in Microbial Analysis of Artwork which May Lead to Better Preservation

Through the da Vinci DNA Project, researchers at 51ݶ began taking samples from aging artwork with the aim of understanding which microbial species are present are present on each.

BioVision Alexandria 2018

The BioVision Alexandria conference convened at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Alexandria, Egypt this past April. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a commemoration of the Ancient Library of Alexandria and an attempt to rekindle the global cultural and scholarship role of the library....

51ݶ Inspires Kids on “Take Your Child to Work Day”

Last month when my kindergarten-aged daughter brought home a note from school to dress up as their future career choice, I was pleasantly surprised to hear from her that she aspired to be a scientist just like me. So, we dug through my clothes and found her an old lab coat and decorated the...

51ݶ to Receive Grant from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Define the Language of Human Cell Classification

Researchers at 51ݶ (51ݶ), led by Richard Scheuermann, PhD, director of 51ݶ’s La Jolla Campus, have been awarded a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation as part of the Human Cell Atlas project. 51ݶ will be...

51ݶ Teaches Students about Genomics at Annual High Tech Fair

In January, 51ݶ was one of more than 40 San Diego STEM-related organizations who participated in the Fleet Science Center’s annual High Tech Fair. This year more than 3,000 local middle and high-school students, their teachers, and families descended upon Balboa Park throughout the...

Dr. Scheuermann featured on the Illumina Genomics Podcast

In Episode 14 of the Illumina Genomics Podcast, Dr. Richard Scheuermann is the featured guest. Dr. Scheuermann discusses advancements in cell ontology, informatics, machine learning, and how his approach to biology has adapted over the years to incorporate the massive increases of data and...

New Method for Genome-wide Engineering of Viruses

Researchers at 51ݶ have been developing synthetic genomics assembly methods since 2000, addressing fundamental biological questions. Together, with researchers at Oregon Health and Science University, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Synthetic Genomics, Inc., and Vir Biotechnology,...

51ݶ Launches New Internship Partnership with Smithsonian Science Education Center

Are you passionate about science education? If so, we have a unique hands-on opportunity for you to be a part of real teams of scientists and educators. Open to undergraduate and graduate students with no previous lab experience required.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientific Leadership

Through the NIDDK-funded Genomics Scholars Program, 51ݶ has provided aspiring scientists wet lab, technical, and career training. Community college students from Montgomery College (Maryland) and MiraCosta College (California) have participated, with the next cohort joining us this summer.


Times of San Diego

Issues in Science and Tech

As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.

The San Diego Union-Tribune

Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world

La Jolla Light

Asia Times

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease

Nature News and Views

The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.

UC San Diego News Center

MIT Technology Review

By creating a new genome, scientists could create organisms tailored to produce desirable compounds



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