
Media Center

Press Release

16TH International Genome Sequencing and Analysis Conference Features NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, Biologist E.O. Wilson and other Eminent Scientists

Conference in Washington, DC, highlights cutting-edge work in environmental genomics, human genomic medicine, biological energy production, evolutionary biology, and new sequencing technologies

GSAC also hosts half-day policy session on biodiversity and intellectual property issues

Press Release

Scientists Explore Genome of Methane-breathing Microbe

First Complete DNA Sequence of a Methanotroph Reveals Metabolic Flexibility, Suggests Mechanisms for Increasing Its Usefulness For Biotechnology

Press Release

TIGR Scientists Explore Microbes on Shipwrecks and Coral

Researchers embarked on two separate expeditions this week to explore microbial communities on deep-sea corals in the Gulf of Alaska and on shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico.

Press Release

Bioinformatics Resource Center at TIGR to Focus on Biothreat Pathogens

TIGR has signed a five-year, $21.1 million contract with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to establish and maintain a new national Bioinformatics Resource Center for the study of pathogens that are considered biothreat agents or are associated with emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases.

Press Release

Anthrax Toxin Genes Found in Another Microbial Species

For the first time, researchers have found anthrax toxin genes in a naturally occurring microbe other than Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes anthrax. The microbe that contains those anthrax genes is a strain of Bacillus cereus isolated from a patient with a medical condition similar to inhalation anthrax.

Press Release

Decoding a Sulfate-Breathing Bug

Paving the way for better methods to protect pipelines and remediate metallic pollutants, TIGR scientists and collaborators have deciphered the genome of a sulfate-breathing bacterium, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, which can damage oil and natural gas pipelines and corrode oilfield equipment.

Press Release

Scientists Decipher the Rat Genome

An international consortium of scientists that includes TIGR has completed a high-quality draft sequence of the rat genome. Comparing the rat to the human and mouse genomes, the Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium reported that nearly all human genes known to be associated with diseases have counterparts in the rat.

Press Release

A New Spin on Spirochetes

Major Differences Found Between the Genomes of Oral Pathogen Treponema denticola and Related Spiral-Shaped Bacteria that Cause Syphilis and Lyme Disease

Press Release

"Male-Targeting" Bacterium's Genome is Deciphered

Versatile Wolbachia has more mobile DNA than any other intracellular bacterium; Study may help in developing new treatments for diseases


Trip preparations (inaugural posting!)

Well, we have less than a week left, and we are finalizing and shipping the chemicals and equipment we will need for sampling below the sea ice in the Ross Sea. We have already shipped out several hundred pounds of gear, and more await us in storage down at McMurdo Station in Antarctica....

Going west!

After saying good bye to our new friends in Rostock/Warnemünde I was looking forward to coming back to Swedish waters, this time a bit saltier, on the west coast. There are two marine field stations on the Swedish west coast belonging to The Sven Lovén Center for Marine Sciences. Our first...

In the bloom...almost

Cyanobacterial blooms during the summer are reoccurring phenomena in the Baltic Sea. This summer we have already encountered the two main species responsible the blooms, Aphanizomenon sp. and the toxin producing Nodularia spumigena (see previous posts), but so far not in the abundance that...

In the Deep

After the brief stop in my hometown we continue our journey southward in the Baltic proper. Our first sampling site was the Landsort deep, the very deepest part of the Baltic Sea (459 meters!)  and a long-term monitoring and sampling site for various Swedish and international scientists...

The Midnight Sun and Fermented Fish

We returned from Abisko on Thursday July 9th around 10 p.m.  The next morning was very busy for the crew as we had to put the science gear back together, prepare the boat, and do local newspaper and radio interviews. Read the interview: paper Like the transect north, our...

ROAD TRIP! Watch Out Arctic Circle...the Sorcerer II Sampling Team is Coming Your Way!

After we arrived in Luleå, Jeremy, Karolina and I started packing for our road sampling trip to Lake Torneträsk, a freshwater lake located in the Arctic Circle.  Dr. Erling Norrby had contacted Dr. Christer Jonasson, the deputy director of the Abisko Scientific Research Station, to help...

Sunset at Norrbyskär

It was another beautiful morning in the Gulf of Bothnia as we left Härnösand. We stopped at another sampling site before meeting with a boat from Umeå Marine Research Station (UMF).  We were greeted by UMF scientist Dr. Johan Wikner and a television crew. We docked at Norrbyskär, a...

Heading north with more daylight

After spending a couple of days visiting with my family in Stockholm, I boarded a ferry boat to Blidö and rejoined the Sorcerer II crew to head north to the Bothnian Sea. Before departing, we sampled in the bay outside Dr. Norrby’s summer house. The last days of fantastic summer weather had...

The last leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, the Swedish Archipelago and the Gulf of Bothnia Sampling Transect

The morning of June 25th we left Stockholm and followed the Volvo race boats into the Baltic to watch the start of the last leg of the race to St. Petersburg. Once again there were hundreds of boats on the water to watch the start of the race. As the race began we saw someone waving to Dr....


ZME Science

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning

The San Diego Union-Tribune



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