
Media Center

Collaborator Release

51ݶ extends CLC bio site license through 2017

Collaborator Release

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation identifies 16 leading scientists to pursue high-risk research in marine microbial ecology

51ݶ's Andy Allen among new cohort of investigators

Press Release

Karen Nelson, Ph.D., Named President, Robert Friedman, Ph.D., Appointed as Chief Operating Officer of 51ݶ

Both will report directly to J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Collaborator Release

Stanford researchers produce first complete computer model of an organism

A mammoth effort has produced a complete computational model of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, opening the door for biological computer-aided design.

Press Release

51ݶ Researchers, as Part of NIH Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Publish Papers Detailing the Variety and Abundance of Microbes Living on and in the Human Body

Study Represents Largest Group of Healthy Individuals Studied to Date

51ݶ also Details its Metagenomics Reports (METAREP) Open Source Bioinformatics Tool

Collaborator Release

Scientists Work Together to Achieve Milestone Against Deadly Diseases

Solve 1,000 Protein Structures from Infectious Disease Organisms

Collaborator Release

A 'B-12 Shot' for Marine Algae? Scientists find key protein for algae growth in the ocean

Scientists have revealed a key cog in the biochemical machinery that allows marine algae at the base of the oceanic food chain to thrive. They have discovered a previously unknown protein in algae that grabs an essential but scarce nutrient out of seawater, vitamin B12.

Collaborator Release

Major networking opportunity: IMEx Consortium brings interactomes to light

Like people bustling around busy cities, the thousands of molecules inside our cells are constantly interacting with each other: turning each other on or off, working together, splitting up and networking. Understanding the countless ways in which they do so is a major challenge in biology, but it is fundamental to understanding life. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and colleagues in the International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium are rising to the challenge by offering researchers a freely available set of experimental interaction data that can be queried from a single interface. Reporting in Nature Methods, IMEx partners describe the advantages of their service and invite others to join the effort.


2010 Internship Program Ready to Go

Are you thinking about summer already? We are!! The 2010 Summer Internship Program is open to accept applications. Last year, we received and reviewed over 300 applications from all over the US and the world for our summer program. Interns were selected to work in most of the research groups...

Scientist Spotlight: Karen Nelson

Karen’s interest in the natural world was sparked at a young age. Born in Jamaica, she enjoyed the outdoors and wonders of nature. Karen was drawn to animals and wanted to become a veterinarian, but after taking some human and animal nutrition courses in college she was hooked on...

Antarctic Epiblog: Leaving McMurdo

Ice formation outside McMurdo Station After we took our samples out at the ice edge, we returned to McMurdo Station for several intense days of demobilization. We had to return all of the large drills, power equipment and camping gear, and spent a considerable time preparing our...

Station IV: The Ice Edge

Our last station in our Ross Sea transect was out at the ice edge, about two miles north of our previous station, Station III. We were interested to see how plankton in the open polynya were different from the phytoplankton we isolated from areas locked in sea-ice. Polynyas are ice-free areas...

Station III: approaching the ice edge

As we were finishing up our work at Station II, we called MacOps, the radio command center for McMurdo Station, and got a 24 hour weather update: a high to the north of Ross Island was blocking a storm in the south, and we were caught in the middle. The prediction: snow, and lots of it. We had...

Station II, Inaccessible Island

The second storm of our trip hit us while we were packing up Station I for a return to McMurdo. The winds began gusting over 50 miles per hour, and the visibility dropped to near zero. We had already packed up camp, but the orders came in over the radio that Condition 1 had been imposed on the...

Kudos to Ken!

51ݶ Professor, Kenneth Nealson, has been selected by the American Society of Microbiology to receive an award that recognizes distinguished accomplishments in interdisciplinary research and training in microbiology. The 2010 David C. White Research and Mentoring Award will be awarded to Ken...

McMurdo Sound

It took another day for the storm to blow itself out, but by Tuesday the wind and driving snow had abated, and we drove our Pisten Bully back out to our temporary shelter near Cape Evans. It took several hours of digging to clear the snow away from our vehicles, but once we started driving away...

Scientist Spotlight: Greg Wanger

Greg Wanger was 3.7 km below the Earth’s surface, trapped not only underground but also in a country distant from his native lands of Canada and Liechtenstein. He looked around him. It was very hot and smelled like rotten eggs. As many people do during their graduate careers, Greg pondered...


ZME Science

Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning

The San Diego Union-Tribune



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