

Valencia, The Home Of Sorcerer II And Crew Since September 2009

City of Arts and Sciences

July 5th

is located about 140 miles (365 kilometers) from Barcelona. Valencia has a rich history and a distinct culture from other Spanish cities. I have only spent a few months here, but I wanted to share some of the highlights with you all before we set sail and start our Mediterranean sampling season. A must see in Valencia is the , it is a series of buildings in the heart of the city center, I swear it looks like an alien city!

City of Arts and Sciences
City of Arts and Sciences
City of Arts and Sciences

Another big event here in Valencia is the that is held here yearly. It is amazing the amount of time and effort that goes into setting up the track and grandstands. The race course went around the marina..........those cars are really really loud! I didn't see this happen live, but the footage is amazing!

Formula 1 Race
Formula 1 Race

Click here for a

While we were in Valencia John and I both celebrated our birthdays. John's birthday is the day before mine.....Tea the chef took our dinner requests (John's was bacon cheese burgers and mine was seared yellow fin tuna).....it was a great couple days!

John's Birthday
John's Birthday

Another fun outing for the crew was when Craig and Marty rented motorcycles and we followed in the chase car. The tour took us up into the mountains and some beautiful coastal cities.

Marty and Karolina on Motorcycle Tour
Marty and Karolina on Motorcycle Tour

So our time in Valencia is coming to an end, we are getting the boat ready for an intense 3 months of sampling. We all have really enjoyed our time here, made some great friends and are looking forward to returning in September. If you have the chance you should come visit Valencia (especially during the World Cup, wow it has been crazy!), it is a great town and I forgot to mention, it has one of the best beaches I have seen in the Med yet!