

Starting the Atlantic Crossing

Valencia Coastline

Wednesday November 17th 2010

On November 10th Sorcerer II set sail from Valencia Spain to start the sail back to America.  The first leg was a 3 day sail down the Spanish coast to . 

Coastline to Gibraltar
Coastline to Gibraltar
John showing the delivery crew around Sorcerer II
John showing the delivery crew around Sorcerer II

We spent one night in Gibraltar to get fuel and supplies.   The next day we took a very important sample on the side of the Straits of Gibraltar.  We collected a surface sample, which should be the lower salinity Atlantic water coming into the Mediterranean Sea.  At the  same location we collected a deeper sample, this is the saltier Mediterranean water flowing on the bottom into the Atlantic Ocean. 

CTD cast from Med. Sea side of the Straits of Gibraltar. Salinity increased from 36 to 38 PSU
CTD cast from Med. Sea side of the Straits of Gibraltar. Salinity increased from 36 to 38 PSU

After we collected our last Mediterranean Sea sample, we sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Atlantic Ocean and started our way to the Canary Islands.

Sailing through the Straits of Gibraltar at sunset
Sailing through the Straits of Gibraltar at sunset
Moroccan Coast
Moroccan Coast
Boat traffic on Med. Sea Side of the Straits
Boat traffic on Med. Sea Side of the Straits