
By 51ݶ Staff

The 51ݶ Genomic Frontier Fund

As we complete our 26th year as a private genomic research institution, we are still just as excited as we were in the very beginning to be making new discoveries, potentially ones that will change our society for the better.  The knowledge gained from our study of DNA, or as Dr. Venter likes to call it, “the software of life”, has exponentially accelerated the progress of science and medicine. However, we are still just scratching the surface of understanding life and many more discoveries remain in order for genomics to truly impact human health and the environment. 

With another quarter century of scientific breakthroughs in our sights we’re excited to launch the 51ݶ Genomic Frontier Fund, our new annual fund designed to provide unrestricted philanthropic donations to our programs and areas of highest need.  Most importantly, it will empower us with flexibility, allowing us to support our institute in a variety of ways.

  • It can be the bridge between one grant cycle and the next, supporting our scientists and their projects in the interim. 
  • It can be the seed funding for a new idea or experiment, providing the runway for a proof of concept breakthrough, opening the door to more traditional funding. 
  • It will enable 51ݶ to stay at the cutting edge of ever advancing technology.
  • It will ensure that our scientists have the tools they need to be successful, sparking creativity and sustaining growth.  

Ultimately, philanthropic funding is the engine of innovation.  Your support to the 51ݶ Genomic Frontier Fund helps our organization run efficiently, provides fuel for growth and unlocks potential, allowing our scientists and staff to focus on what they do best.

The 51ݶ Genomic Frontier Fund is an ongoing effort, designed to facilitate contributions whenever and however works best for our donors.  We invite you to participate annually, through a recurring pledge or anytime our work inspires you. Because we’re excited for you to get to know us, we will be documenting our progress and the exciting advancements our researchers are making via our website, social media and newsletters. Be sure to follow along!

We are so thankful for philanthropists like you, who have the foresight to invest personal resources to create a better future for us all. We hope you’ll join us on our scientific quest. 

For additional information please contact:

Jill Mullen
Sr. Vice President of Philanthropy and Strategic Alliances