
By Lisa McDonald

Happy DNA Day!

This past March, we had a great time participating in the science programs in San Diego. We ended the month with the with over 30,000 participants. It was such a busy day - I forgot to take pictures. The venue was Petco Park with hundreds of exhibits and hands-on experiences. We had our sediment batteries and microscopes.

With the thaw in Maryland from the multiple snow storms, April is beginning to show signs of spring including the . This will take place this Sunday, April 25 at Montgomery College, Rockville Campus. We should be easy to find - look for a big black bus.

In addition to the spring festivals and our school visits, behind the scenes we've been busy reviewing/selecting interns and setting up our summer professional development schedule. We had over 360 applicants this year to our internship program from all over the US and world. The blizzards this winter didn't hold back the applicants. Notifications were be emailed to all on Friday, April 16th to the email address provided on the application. The applicants were so impressive!! Unfortunately we are not able to host everyone.

Our were announced this month with support from Life Technologies Foundation. We are fortunate to be able to partner with such generous sponsors to bring these programs to fruition. We are REALLY excited about this year's programs. They are filling up. California is almost FULL - be sure to send your application in. Maryland has room still - but don't delay.

On that note, the on both coasts have biodiversity as the research theme. Our understanding of the diversity of life barely scratches the surfaces (literally). There are so many bacteria on and in our planet, not to mention our bodies - we are just beginning to know they exist - let alone, understand their significance. Even in our macro world, not every species has been catalogued! So much work to be done!!!

We are partnering with the Canadian Barcoding of Life Network with several other organizations in the MacArthur HASTAC Digital Media and Learning Competition. The project is to develop a fun science social networking site to encourage students to participate as citizen scientists and participate in developing a digital list of all organisms around the country and world. Please review the video at the link below and provide comments. It is important that the comments are added via the HSTAC site – the YouTube comments do not carry over. These comments are used in the decision making for funding.

Thanks for your support!!!

And, again, Happy DNA Day!!!