

International journal of molecular sciences. 2021-11-07; 22.21:
Multi-Omics Study of Keystone Species in a Cystic Fibrosis Microbiome
Silveira CB, Cobián-Güemes AG, Uranga C, Baker JL, Edlund A, Rohwer F, Conrad D
PMID: 34769481
Environmental microbiology. 2021-11-01; 23.11: 6734-6748.
Relating sinking and suspended microbial communities in the California Current Ecosystem: digestion resistance and the contributions of phytoplankton taxa to export
Valencia B, Stukel MR, Allen AE, McCrow JP, Rabines A, Palenik B, Landry MR
PMID: 34431195
EBioMedicine. 2021-11-01; 73.103644.
Interactions between fecal gut microbiome, enteric pathogens, and energy regulating hormones among acutely malnourished rural Gambian children
Nabwera HM, Espinoza JL, Worwui A, Betts M, Okoi C, Sesay AK, Bancroft R, Agbla SC, Jarju S, Bradbury RS, Colley M, Jallow AT, Liu J, Houpt ER, Prentice AM, Antonio M, Bernstein RM, Dupont CL, Kwambana-Adams BA
PMID: 34695658
Microbial ecology. 2021-11-01; 82.4: 1030-1046.
Oral Microbial Species and Virulence Factors Associated with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Torralba MG, Aleti G, Li W, Moncera KJ, Lin YH, Yu Y, Masternak MM, Golusinski W, Golusinski P, Lamperska K, Edlund A, Freire M, Nelson KE
PMID: 33155101
Microbial ecology. 2021-11-01; 82.4: 1047.
Correction to: Oral Microbial Species and Virulence Factors Associated with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Torralba MG, Aleti G, Li W, Moncera KJ, Lin YH, Yu Y, Masternak MM, Golusinski W, Golusinski P, Lamperska K, Edlund A, Freire M, Nelson KE
PMID: 33219400
Frontiers in immunology. 2021-10-29; 12.690470.
Machine Learning-Based Single Cell and Integrative Analysis Reveals That Baseline mDC Predisposition Correlates With Hepatitis B Vaccine Antibody Response
Aevermann BD, Shannon CP, Novotny M, Ben-Othman R, Cai B, Zhang Y, Ye JC, Kobor MS, Gladish N, Lee AH, Blimkie TM, Hancock RE, Llibre A, Duffy D, Koff WC, Sadarangani M, Tebbutt SJ, Kollmann TR, Scheuermann RH
PMID: 34777332
Virus research. 2021-10-15; 304.198545.
Novel isoforms of influenza virus PA-X and PB1-F2 indicated by automatic annotation
Burnham AJ, Miller JR, Singh I, Billings EA, Rush MA, Air GM, Bour S
PMID: 34391827
The Journal of infectious diseases. 2021-10-13; 224.7: 1236-1246.
Vertical Transmission of Gut Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Infants Exposed to Antibiotics at Birth
Li W, Tapiainen T, Brinkac L, Lorenzi HA, Moncera K, Tejesvi M, Tejesvi MV, Salo J, Nelson KE
PMID: 32239170
Nature. 2021-10-06; 598.7879: 111-119.
Comparative cellular analysis of motor cortex in human, marmoset and mouse
Bakken TE, Jorstad NL, Hu Q, Lake BB, Tian W, Kalmbach BE, Crow M, Hodge RD, Krienen FM, Sorensen SA, Eggermont J, Yao Z, Aevermann BD, Aldridge AI, Bartlett A, Bertagnolli D, Casper T, Castanon RG, Crichton K, Daigle TL, Dalley R, Dee N, Dembrow N, Diep D, Ding SL, Dong W, Fang R, Fischer S, Goldman M, Goldy J, Graybuck LT, Herb BR, Hou X, Kancherla J, Kroll M, Lathia K, van Lew B, Li YE, Liu CS, Liu H, Lucero JD, Mahurkar A, McMillen D, Miller JA, Moussa M, Nery JR, Nicovich PR, Niu SY, Orvis J, Osteen JK, Owen S, Palmer CR, Pham T, Plongthongkum N, Poirion O, Reed NM, Rimorin C, Rivkin A, Romanow WJ, Sedeño-Cortés AE, Siletti K, Somasundaram S, Sulc J, Tieu M, Torkelson A, Tung H, Wang X, Xie F, Yanny AM, Zhang R, Ament SA, Behrens MM, Bravo HC, Chun J, Dobin A, Gillis J, Hertzano R, Hof PR, Höllt T, Horwitz GD, Keene CD, Kharchenko PV, Ko AL, Lelieveldt BP, Luo C, Mukamel EA, Pinto-Duarte A, Preissl S, Regev A, Ren B, Scheuermann RH, Smith K, Spain WJ, White OR, Koch C, Hawrylycz M, Tasic B, Macosko EZ, McCarroll SA, Ting JT, Zeng H, Zhang K, Feng G, Ecker JR, Linnarsson S, Lein ES
PMID: 34616062
