

ACS synthetic biology. 2022-05-20; 11.5: 1919-1930.
Genome Engineering of the Fast-Growing Mycoplasma feriruminatoris toward a Live Vaccine Chassis
Talenton V, Baby V, Gourgues G, Mouden C, Claverol S, Vashee S, Blanchard A, Labroussaa F, Jores J, Arfi Y, Sirand-Pugnet P, Lartigue C
PMID: 35511588
Microbiology resource announcements. 2022-05-19; 11.5: e0002322.
Complete Genome Sequence of "Candidatus Nanosynbacter" Strain HMT-348_TM7c-JB, a Member of Saccharibacteria Clade G1
Baker JL
PMID: 35404101
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2022-05-17; 66.5: e0179021.
Imipenem/Relebactam Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Extensively Drug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Inhibitor-Resistant β-Lactamases and Their Increasing Importance
Hujer AM, Bethel CR, Taracila MA, Marshall SH, Rojas LJ, Winkler ML, Painter RE, Domitrovic TN, Watkins RR, Abdelhamed AM, D'Souza R, Mack AR, White RC, Clarke T, Fouts DE, Jacobs MR, Young K, Bonomo RA
PMID: 35435707
Nature communications. 2022-05-04; 13.1: 2448.
Influence of nutrient supply on plankton microbiome biodiversity and distribution in a coastal upwelling region
James CC, Barton AD, Allen LZ, Lampe RH, Rabines A, Schulberg A, Zheng H, Goericke R, Goodwin KD, Allen AE
PMID: 35508497
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 2022-05-04; 30.5: 2024-2047.
A single-shot adenoviral vaccine provides hemagglutinin stalk-mediated protection against heterosubtypic influenza challenge in mice
Bliss CM, Freyn AW, Caniels TG, Leyva-Grado VH, Nachbagauer R, Sun W, Tan GS, Gillespie VL, McMahon M, Krammer F, Hill AV, Hill AVS, Palese P, Coughlan L
PMID: 34999208
Virology. 2022-05-01; 570.123-133.
Genomic evolution of the Coronaviridae family
Zmasek CM, Lefkowitz EJ, Niewiadomska A, Scheuermann RH
PMID: 35398776
Bioresource technology. 2022-05-01; 351.126936.
Biogeochemical profiling and taxonomic characterization of municipal landfill site by metagenomic sequencing
Gupta J, Rathour R, Dupont C, Mishra A, Shekhar Thakur I
PMID: 35247565
Nature. 2022-05-01; 605.7911: 640-652.
Defining the risk of SARS-CoV-2 variants on immune protection
DeGrace MM, Ghedin E, Frieman MB, Krammer F, Grifoni A, Alisoltani A, Alter G, Amara RR, Baric RS, Barouch DH, Bloom JD, Bloyet LM, Bonenfant G, Boon ACM, Boritz EA, Bratt DL, Bricker TL, Brown L, Buchser WJ, Carreño JM, Cohen-Lavi L, Darling TL, Davis-Gardner ME, Dearlove BL, Di H, Dittmann M, Doria-Rose NA, Douek DC, Drosten C, Edara VV, Ellebedy A, Fabrizio TP, Ferrari G, Florence WC, Fischer WM, Fouchier RAM, Franks J, García-Sastre A, Godzik A, Gonzalez-Reiche AS, Gordon A, Haagmans BL, Halfmann PJ, Ho DD, Holbrook MR, Huang Y, James SL, Jaroszewski L, Jeevan T, Johnson RM, Jones TC, Joshi A, Kawaoka Y, Kercher L, Koopmans MPG, Korber B, Koren E, Koup RA, LeGresley EB, Lemieux JE, Liebeskind MJ, Liu Z, Livingston B, Logue JP, Luo Y, McDermott AB, McElrath MJ, Meliopoulos VA, Menachery VD, Montefiori DC, Mühlemann B, Munster VJ, Munt JE, Nair MS, Netzl A, Niewiadomska AM, O'Dell S, Pekosz A, Perlman S, Pontelli MC, Rockx B, Rolland M, Rothlauf PW, Sacharen S, Scheuermann RH, Schmidt SD, Schotsaert M, Schultz-Cherry S, Seder RA, Sedova M, Sette A, Shabman RS, Shen X, Shi PY, Shukla M, Simon V, Stumpf S, Sullivan NJ, Thackray LB, Theiler J, Thomas PG, Trifkovic S, Türeli S, Turner SA, Vakaki MA, van Bakel H, VanBlargan LA, Vincent LR, Wallace ZS, Wang L, Wang M, Wang P, Wang W, Weaver SC, Webby RJ, Weiss CD, Wentworth DE, Weston SM, Whelan SPJ, Whitener BM, Wilks SH, Xie X, Ying B, Yoon H, Zhou B, Hertz T, Smith DJ, Diamond MS, Post DJ, Suthar MS
PMID: 35361968
mSystems. 2022-04-26; 7.2: e0146621.
High-Content Screening and Computational Prediction Reveal Viral Genes That Suppress the Innate Immune Response
Ng TL, Olson EJ, Yoo TY, Weiss HS, Koide Y, Koch PD, Rollins NJ, Mach P, Meisinger T, Bricken T, Chang TZ, Molloy C, Zürcher J, Chang RL, Mitchison TJ, Glass JI, Marks DS, Way JC, Silver PA
PMID: 35319251
